[Tokyo Fujimidai] Fluffy cute "soft clay baby shoes cake making experience" !
ID: 32214
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Experience details
- Experience fee, material cost, consumption tax
Meeting Point
10: 00/13: 00
Aterier hana-ya (Atelier florist)
Venue Address
Provided by
アトリエハナヤ(Aterier hana-ya)
- 1 to 2 hours
Why do not you handmade baby shoes cake with soft clay to baby birthday celebration? Of course, congratulations to your baby, Gokyodai and your relatives, to friends of the baby, very cute, will present the kindness and warmth is overflowing. And fluffy clay is comfortable, and go in the form little by little, we have doubled more and more fun. It is recommended as a work of sincerity affectionate handmade celebration.