Limited time only!! Night tour Enjoy the forest at night♪ Almost no climbing!
Limited time only!! Night tour Enjoy the forest at night♪ Almost no climbing!
Limited time only!! Night tour Enjoy the forest at night♪ Almost no climbing!
Limited time only!! Night tour Enjoy the forest at night♪ Almost no climbing!
Limited time only!! Night tour Enjoy the forest at night♪ Almost no climbing!
Limited time only!! Night tour Enjoy the forest at night♪ Almost no climbing!
Limited time only!! Night tour Enjoy the forest at night♪ Almost no climbing!
Limited time only!! Night tour Enjoy the forest at night♪ Almost no climbing!

Limited time only!! Night tour Enjoy the forest at night♪ Almost no climbing!

Limited time only!! Night tour Enjoy the forest at night♪ Almost no climbing!
Limited time only!! Night tour Enjoy the forest at night♪ Almost no climbing!
Limited time only!! Night tour Enjoy the forest at night♪ Almost no climbing!
Limited time only!! Night tour Enjoy the forest at night♪ Almost no climbing!
Limited time only!! Night tour Enjoy the forest at night♪ Almost no climbing!
Limited time only!! Night tour Enjoy the forest at night♪ Almost no climbing!
Limited time only!! Night tour Enjoy the forest at night♪ Almost no climbing!
Limited time only!! Night tour Enjoy the forest at night♪ Almost no climbing!

Key Information

Experience details

  • Rental set
Not Included
  • Accident insurance liability insurance is optional, so if you need insurance, you can join it for 300 yen including tax per person at the reception on the day.
Meeting Point

Please arrive at your scheduled start time.If there are spaces available, you may be able to make a reservation on the same day. The deadline for reservations may be earlier due to the Activity Japan website/system, so if reservations are already closed and you are still interested, please contact us using various methods such as the message function on the site. Please feel free to contact us!
Echo Valley Ski Resort No. 2 parking lot (free) (approximately 6 km, 10 minutes from Lake Shirakaba) ) The staff will be waiting for you at the meeting place with your bicycle, so please feel free to ask.

Venue Address

長野県 小県郡 長和町 大門 3518

Provided by


  • 1 to 2 hours
  • スタート前の各種手続き、コースに入る前のマウンテンバイクに乗る練習等々、 全てツアー時間内に含まれていますので 実質走行時間は長くても50分程度ですから、体力に全く自信がなくても安心です♪ (坂道を登ったりすることはほぼありません。山の上から自転車でくだるだけです) ※お客様の走行レベルによって、早く終わったり、若干伸びたりすることはございます※ 19:30集合、 21:00終了(予定)


You can experience riding a mountain bike through the forest at night, which is something you rarely experience anywhere else! All the necessary equipment and rentals, such as lights, are free, so you don't have to worry about preparation, and you don't have to climb any slopes, so even if you're not physically fit, you don't have to worry! (You just go down. It's easy! This is important, right?) However, there is one important condition for riding through the mountains at night. "Being able to ride a bicycle" is an absolute condition for participation. It goes without saying, but if you can't ride a bicycle, you cannot participate because it is dangerous. You might be wondering, "Is there anyone who can't ride a bicycle?", but there are quite a few people who do this (sweat) Since you will be riding on a bumpy road in nature, it is essential that you can "apply the brakes properly". Only those who can properly apply the brakes with the fingers of both hands can participate (it's a slope so you can't stop with your feet) * You must be able to ride a bicycle of 26 inches XS size or larger. (Approximately 140 cm tall) In order to prevent danger, the minimum size of rental bikes has been changed to 26 inches XS size from 2024. If you can only ride bikes of this size or smaller (height under 130cm), you can participate if you are used to riding a bike on a daily basis, and bring your own bike. *If you are worried about participating for any other reason, please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to help you! Although we have written a lot, there is actually nothing difficult about it and it is very easy. As long as you can ride a bike normally (if you ride a mamachari or other bike on a daily basis, there is no problem), you can easily experience the extraordinary of "in the forest at night"♪